Pale Horse

Palehorse is the third car that the Louisiana Chapter houses and maintains. Chapter Lead, Daniel Johnson purchased the Mustang and diligently works countless hours to improve the vessel in order to honor his Marine brothers that he fought with and those he lost during the Battle of Nasiriyah. Palehorse is the call sign of Daniel’s unit, 1st Battalion 2nd Marines Charlie Company. The vessel’s number is 3/23, which represents March 23, 2003 the start of the historic Battle of Nasiriyah. In addition, 3/23/03 was the bloodiest day of the operations for the Marines, when 18 men of Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, were killed. On March 21, 2003, Task Force Tarawa (TFT) crossed into Iraq with the missions of securing Jalibah Airfield and then securing the 3 bridges over the Euphrates River to continue its attack north. From March 23 to March 29, 2003, Task Force Tarawa was engaged in heavy fighting in and around the city of An Nasiriyah as they came in contact with Saddam Hussein and members of the Iraqi 11th Infantry Division. Fun fact, Palehorse is still ever present at Camp Lejeune, as the current unit still flies the flag and wears its colors.

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