About Us
Our Mission
Battle Scarred Motorsports exists to provide a safe space for our heroes to recreate the bonds they shared while serving. The transition back into civilian life is often difficult for veterans for a variety of reasons. Many veterans struggle to adjust and find themselves in a dark place. There is no shame in this struggle but our heroes are too often making this journey alone, resulting in depression, homelessness and tragically, suicide.
Our goal is to provide a space where these heroes can reconnect with the family that they once trusted with their lives. Together we battle the problems so many veterans face and stand beside them now just as we did in uniform.
Adrenalin therapy is a powerful tool and auto racing is a challenging sport that requires teamwork. We build cohesive teams of veterans with shared backgrounds and experiences to become mutually supportive – in racing and in life! We share our stories, our memories, our struggles and we enjoy the fellowship and camaraderie only veterans can know, all while crossing that checkered flag at an insane speed.
Battle Scarred MotorSports has partnered with hundreds of Veterans and formed the bonds necessary to help them navigate the transitions of life successfully. This is our unwavering mission above all else, that none are left behind or walk alone.
Support Our Military & First Responders
Help keep our organization topped off with fuel, fresh tires to shred, brake pads to stay safe on the track, and up-to-date driver safety equipment for all.
Our Story
The BSM story begins when Co-Founder Brian Czech, while still on Active Duty in the Marine Corps, had to sell his 1978 F150 drag racing truck before leaving for a MEU deployment in 2017. Brian likes to tell how that truck was his therapy amid the madness and chaos of life. He admits that he may not know how to spell auto racing, and he may not be very good at it, but he knew that he liked to go fast and that truck was the tool that helped keep him grounded. When Brian returned from that deployment in 2018, as his wife will attest, without that truck he was a pacing lion with nothing to do and admits that’s exactly how he felt. He didn’t know what to do in his spare time and had no outlet to connect with other people.
Brian got involved with grassroots endurance racing and with the help of a few friends he put a car together to begin racing again. The first race was in April of 2018 with some Marine buddies and while it was obvious that they had no idea what they were doing, they felt the healing of the adrenalin therapy and had an amazing time. This event was the catalyst that got it all started. The second race was in March of 2019 in New Orleans. Everyone that showed up was new, except for Brian. Everybody that came out for that race was initially quiet, not talking and sticking to themselves. The race weekend started on Thursday afternoon with tech inspection and by Saturday afternoon, as Brian describes, you couldn’t get anyone to shut up – they had completely changed! There was another race the following month, this one in South Carolina, and exactly the same thing happened. After that race Brian called up a good friend, Brian Fennell and explained how he couldn’t shake the idea that this phenomenon could be used for good and to make positive changes in people’s lives.
Neither of them knew what it meant, how to make it work, or how to even describe it on paper, but after a good long chat they made it their mission to put Veterans and First Responders behind the wheel of a race car so they can benefit from this amazing form of adrenalin therapy and camaraderie. The first couple of races saw dozens of people coming out of the car giggling, smiling and shaking from the adrenalin, but totally pumped – and changed!
The cars are just the vessels, we think they’re cool, some people may think they’re crash derby cars, but they do the job and we love them.
The guys and gals that come out and race with us are just like anyone else; they’ve served, they’ve seen things, they’ve done things, they may not know how to talk to people, they don’t know how to make friends with people they don’t know, and many of us still struggle with that. This is why we exist as an organization. Self sabotage is real among veterans. We believe this is not something that people talk about enough and this is one of the things that BSM works very hard to address. We exist to help people open up, we work very hard to peel the shell back, get them to feel comfortable and secure, so they can begin to heal. We started with one car and a 10×10 tent in 2018. Fast forward to 2023 and we’re operating 8 functional cars with 2 more in the build pipeline and we’re spread out over 5 state Chapters.
BSM is making a difference. To be able to help real heroes get through life, we can’t begin to describe how important, and powerful that is.
When military folks transition, no matter when or where they served, the transition is hard. The structure they knew, the friends, the mission, the sense of purpose, the support, it’s all gone in a flash. Transitioning, or recovering from that is hard, especially for those that served in extraordinary circumstances. It takes a long time to learn this, to learn how to be a civilian again. Anyone who has gone through this knows this reality. If that’s you, if you’re struggling, if you find yourself thinking life sucks, and it does sometimes, there’s no shame in finding someone to talk to – you are not alone!
If you see someone who is struggling, or if you’re struggling on your own, reach out! Contact us, we will fly you out, put you in a car, we will get you fed, give you a bed, and we will partner with you and provide whatever help you may need because you are our family!
We are Battle Scarred Motor Sports and our story is just beginning!
Our Story - Valero Speech


Brian Czech
Chairman Board of Directors
MS Chapter Lead

Brian Fennell
Vice-Chairman Board of Directors
TX Chapter Lead

Daniel Johnson
Executive Director - Board of Directors
LA Chapter Lead

Derek Fox
Chief Financial Officer

Brian Strack
Secretary - Board of Directors

John Obernuefemann
Key Volunteer, Team Chief

Claudia Sanchez
Social Media Coordinator

Wes Prater

Steve Kisner
Volunteer Coordinator

Mitch Funk
Indiana Chapter Lead

Kenny Clark
GA Chapter Lead

Wes Prater

Charlie Adams
Racing Event Coordinator

Marketing & Strategy Director

Kenny Clark
GA Chapter Lead
Support Our Military & First Responders
Help keep our organization topped off with fuel, fresh tires to shred, brake pads to stay safe on the track, and up-to-date driver safety equipment for all.